On monday 9th of september, a scientific team of the veterinary department of the University of Ghent was digging out an 18 meter long spermwhale, stranded on the beach some 24 years before. He was buried in clay-ground, and scientists were curious about the condition of the whale, more specifically about his bones. i witnessed the digging-up and again, the fragility of life and death was incredibly close: the smell, but also a kind of refusal to go, to decay and disappear. Liters and liters of blood came pooring out the wholes that scientists made to try and collect some bone-samples : muscle-tissue, skin, veins... everything still intact! on the photos you can clearly see the eye-socket from the animal, laying on its side. The last photo shows you a rib.
blogWork in progress, Thoughts, ideas with no particular shape, exhibition setups and photos of openings, nice visits to interesting colleagues and scientists... Archives
February 2024