New works for the exhibition in Antwerp. 'nepenthe/quells all sorrows with forgetfulness. 24 days.' the word 'nepenthe' first appears in the fourth book of Homerus 'Odyssey'. It means 'that which chases away sorrow, grief or mourning.' It was a magical potion given to Helena by the Egyptian queen Polidamma. many think that Nepenthe might have been an opium preparation, perhaps similar to laudanum. The effects are similar to those of opiates. The work consists of a small table with on the upper part four small glass plates. On the plates you find 24 pills, filled with words. Together they form the lyrics from one of Elbows great songs 'The River'. I walked with the river in kind of a dream Hand in hand, the all-knowing river and me To the glamour of rushes and deeply bowing trees And drunk making blossom that blushed to be seen I told him my sorrows and broken-down dreams Confessed every lie, replayed every scene He openly wept as he listened to me And then, with the sun in the west, he showed me the sea Next to the pills a glass of water and also the guidelines of how to take the pills... On the bottom shelve a small glass jar with blue stones - pure pigment! The 24th pill is also filled with that! ![]() The second work is 'The golden L-pill'. A man is isolated in his glass jar, desperately seeking for relief... none is given. More photos of the works soon on the site. |
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February 2024