Healing - diorama of a lost world
mixed media with black belgian marble and apoxamite
site-specific installation in Poperinge - 2018
Deze installatie is geïnspireerd op luchtfoto’s van het totaal verwoeste Westvlaamse landschap tijdens de eerste wereldoorlog. De zwarte marmerblokken waren tot voor kort de dragende peilers van een altaar. Het werk kan ook beschouwd worden als een kritische reflectie op de complexe hedendaagse maatschappij.
This installation is inspired by aerial photographs of the completely destroyed Flemish landscape during the First World War. Until recently the black marble blocks were the supporting pillars of an altar. The work can also be seen as a critical reflection on a more and more complex contemporary society.
This installation is inspired by aerial photographs of the completely destroyed Flemish landscape during the First World War. Until recently the black marble blocks were the supporting pillars of an altar. The work can also be seen as a critical reflection on a more and more complex contemporary society.